DV-Series for DIGESTATE TReatment

Multi-stage evaporator systems

(externally thermally heated)

Innovative strength, flexibility and well thought-out system solutions are the hallmarks of our company. Continuous further developments and practice-oriented test facilities account for our technical lead. We have been ISO 9001 certified since 2006.

Both the quality of the materials we use for the construction of our systems and the effi ciency and economical operation speak for themselves. We attach great importance to getting every detail right in all our processes. Our intelligent, innovative concepts ensure low maintenance costs, high comfort and maximum effectiveness.

Digestate reduction
OPEX per m³ reduction
Distillate per MWh heat input


  • Evaporator in use on residue/food waste plants since 2013
  • Best thermal efficiency on the market
  • Closed, odourless evaporator system
  • Parts in contact with digestate made of stainless steel
  • Acid and ASL is completely guided in plastic
  • Latest industry standard in manufacturing and control cabinet construction
  • Low maintenance costs and low manpower requirements
  • Evaporator  > 40,000 m³ per year digestate per line
  • For heat demand from 180 kWth. up to max. 550 kWth. and 70 % reduction
  • Modular construction from 1 up to 4 stages

Functional principle using the example of 3-stage evaporation

GEt in Touch with us!

Looking forward for your contatct:

Tel.: +49 (0)9091 5000 0

E-Mail: info@mkr-cleanwater.com

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